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The Modern Illuminist : Special Enlightenment

By 1788, through the use of aggressive legislation and criminal charges, the Bavarian Illuminati was
 thought to have been dissipated and destroyed by the government. O
ne must not forget that the tentacles
 of Illuminism had the time to spread way beyond to confines of Bavaria to reach Masonic lodges across
 Europe. In other words, the Illuminati was never destroyed, it simply went underground and secretly
 spread around all over the globe connecting the people with special enlightenment.
A year later, an important event would prove that Illuminism was more alive and potent then ever :
 the French Revolution.

“Liberté, Égalité et Fraternité” (Freedom, Equality and Brotherhood) was said to be a famous Masonic
 saying that was used in French lodges for centuries [ where most of poeple joined this society to gain

 the Knowledge 
The symbol of Eye within a Triangle , surrounded by the light of the 'Sirius Star'  Is found above everything else (also found on the Great Seal of the U.S). Underneath the title is depicted an Ouroboros , an esoteric symbol associated with Alchemy, Gnosticism and Hermetism, the core teachings of Masonry. Right underneath the Ouroboros is a red phrygian cap, a symbol representing Illuminist revolutions across the world. The entire Declaration is guarded by Masonic pillars.

The Ouroboros (or Uroborus) is an ancient symbol depicting a serpent or dragon eating its own tail which symbolize the famous ancient saying "What goes around Comes around ."

See some Ancient Mystical in this archieve... 

The Ouroboros (or Uroborus) is an ancient symbol depicting a serpent or dragon eating its own tail. The dragon is probably the oldest pictorial symbol in alchemy of which we have documentary evidence. It’s the concept of infinity — of the end being also the beginning, and the eternal nature of the Universe. The Ouroboros often represents self-reflexivity or cyclicality, especially in the sense of something constantly re-creating itself, the eternal return. Ouroboros or uroboros is a very common symbol in alchemy and magic.
Although several groups have called themselves “Illuminati” in the past, the most influential and memorable of them was of course the Bavarian Illuminati created by Adam Weishaupt which blurred the line between “spiritual” and “political” Secret Societies. By mixing the occult sciences of Freemasonry and Rosicrucianism while conspiring to achieve precise political goals, the Illuminati became an actor on the world stage. While most Secret Societies of the time catered to rich people and their fascination with occultism, the Bavarian Illuminati actively sought to profoundly change the world.

Rest will be posted soon..

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